Sariputta | Suttapitaka | The Nature of Ceasing Sariputta

The Nature of Ceasing

Nirodhadhamma (SN 23.22)

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta's grove in Sāvatthi.

2. Then venerable Rādha approached the Blessed One, worshipped, and sat on a side.

3. Sitting, venerable Rādha said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, it is said, `Of the nature of ceasing.' What is of the nature of ceasing?”

4. “Rādha, matter is of the nature of ceasing Feelings, perceptions, intentions, and consciousness are of the nature of ceasing.

5. “Rādha, the learned noble disciple, realizing this, turns from matter, feelings, perceptions, intentions, and consciousness. Turning, looses interest and is released. Released, he knows, `I am released, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived to the end, duties are done and I have nothing more to wish'.”

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