Sariputta | Suttapitaka | The first on long tours Sariputta

The first on long tours

Dīghacārika 1 (AN 5.221)

Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for those engaged in long non-stop tours. What five?

Does not get a chance to hear the not heard, does not get a chance to practise the heard, does not become confident of the heard, is attacked by serious illnesses and he has no friends. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for those engaged in long non-stop tours.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for those engaged in their usual tours. What five?

Gets a chance to hear the not heard, gets a chance to practise the heard, becomes confident of the heard, is not attacked by serious illnesses and he has friends. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for those engaged in their usual tours.

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