Sariputta | Suttapitaka | The Ass Sariputta

The Ass

Gad­rabhaṅ­gapañha (Mil 7.2 1)

‘Venerable Nāgasena, that one quality of the harsh-voiced ass which you say he ought to take, which is that?’
‘Just, O king, as the ass, wheresoever he may lie down—whether on a dust heap, or in the open space where four roads meet, or three, or at the entrance to a village, or on a heap of straw—nowhere is he given to resting long; just so, O king, should the strenuous Bhikshu, earnest in effort, wheresoever he may spread out his mat for repose—whether on strewed grass, or leaves, or on a bed of thorns, or on the bare earth—nowhere should he be given to sloth. This is the one quality of the ass he ought to have. For this has been said, O king, by the Blessed One, the god over all gods:

“Sleeping on pillows of chaff, my disciples, O brethren,
Keep themselves earnest and ardent in strenuous fight.”

‘And this too, O king, was said by Sāriputta, the Elder, the Commander of the Faith:

“If it but raineth not knee-deep on him
When sitting in high meditations plunged—
What cares the man on Arahatship intent for ease!”

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