Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Rebirth and transmigration Sariputta

Rebirth and transmigration

Asaṅka­ma­na­paṭi­sanda­hana­pañha (Mil 3.5 5)

The king said: ‘Where there is no transmigration, Nāgasena, can there be rebirth?’
‘Yes, there can.’
‘But how can that be? Give me an illustration.’
‘Suppose a man, O king, were to light a lamp from another lamp, can it be said that the one transmigrates from, or to, the other?’
‘Certainly not.’
‘Just so, great king, is rebirth without transmigration.’
‘Give me a further illustration.’
‘Do you recollect, great king, having learnt, when you were a boy, some verse or other from your teacher?’
‘Yes, I recollect that.’
‘Well then, did that verse transmigrate from your teacher?’
‘Certainly not.’
‘Just so, great king, is rebirth without transmigration.’
‘Very good, Nāgasena!’

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