Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Mahā­nāga Sariputta


Mahā­nāgat­thera­gāthā (Thag 6.3)

Whoever has no respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Falls away from the true Dhamma,
Like a fish in too little water.
Whoever has no respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Doesn’t thrive in the true Dhamma,
Like a rotten seed in a field.
Whoever has no respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Is far from nibbāna,
In the teaching of the Dhamma king.
Whoever does have respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Doesn’t fall away from the true Dhamma,
Like a fish in plenty of water.
Whoever does have respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Thrives in the true Dhamma,
Like a quality seed in a field.
Whoever does have respect
For their companions in the spiritual life
Is close to nibbāna,
In the teaching of the Dhamma king.

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