Sariputta | Suttapitaka | ­Nadīkas­sapa Sariputta


Nadīkas­sapat­thera­gāthā (Thag 5.6)

It was truly for my benefit
That the Buddha went to the river Nerañjara;
When I heard his teaching,
I rejected wrong view.
Previously, I performed the higher and lower sacrifices;
I worshipped the sacred flame,
Thinking, “This is purity.”
I was a blind, unenlightened person.
Caught in the thicket of wrong view,
Deluded by misapprehension;
Thinking impurity was purity,
I was blind and ignorant.
I’ve abandoned wrong view,
Rebirth into any state of existence is torn apart,
I worship what is truly worthy of offerings:
I bow to the Tathāgata.
I’ve abandoned all delusion
Rebirth into any state of existence is torn apart,
Transmigration through births is finished,
Now there is no more rebirth into any state of existence.

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