Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Nāga­samāla Sariputta


Nāga­samālat­thera­gāthā (Thag 4.1)

There’s a dancer along the highway,
Dancing as the music plays;
She’s adorned with jewellery and all dressed up,
With a garland of flowers and perfume of sandalwood.
I entered for alms,
And while going along I glanced at her,
Adorned with jewellery and all dressed up,
Like a snare of death laid down.
Then the realization
Came upon me—
The danger became clear,
And I was firmly repulsed.
Then my mind was liberated—
See the excellence of the Dhamma!
I’ve attained the three knowledges,
And fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

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