Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Not Deceiving (2) Sariputta

Not Deceiving (2)

Nakuhana 2 (Iti 36)

This was said by the Lord…
“Bhikkhus, this holy life is not lived for the sake of deceiving people, for the sake of cajoling people, for the sake of profiting in gain, honour, and fame, nor with the idea, ‘Let people know me thus.’ This holy life, bhikkhus, is lived for the sake of direct knowledge and full understanding.”

The Lord taught a holy life
Not based on tradition,
For knowledge and understanding,
Leading to and merging in Nibbāna.
This is the path followed by the great,
Pursued by the lofty sages.
Those who enter that course
As taught by the Enlightened One,
Heeding the Teacher’s instruction,
Will make an end of suffering.

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