Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Washing Sariputta


Dhovana (AN 10.107)

Bhikkhus, in the southern states there is a thing called washing At that festival there is enjoying, drinking, eating, there are things to chew, eatables, things to lick and polite words, dancing singing and playing musical instruments. Bhikkhus, there is such washing, I do not say there isn't. Bhikkhus, that washing is unexalted, low, of the ordinary, not noble, not useful, not conducive to turning away, to disenchantment, to cessation, to appeasement, to realization, to enlightenment and to extinction.

Bhikkhus, I will teach the noble ones' washing, which is definitely conducive to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to this washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. Listen to it carefully, I will teach.

Bhikkhus, what is the noble ones' washing, which washing conduces to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to which washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress?

Bhikkhus, to one with right view, wrong view is washed out. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view are washed out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view.

Bhikkhus, to one with right thoughts wrong thoughts are washed out, ... re ... to one with right words wrong words are washed out, ... re ... to one with right activity wrong activity is washed out, ... re ... to one with right livelihood wrong livelihood is washed out, ... re ... to one with right endeavour, wrong endeavour is washed out, ... re ... to one with right mindfulness wrong mindfulness is washed out, ... re ... to one with right concentration wrong concentration is washed out, ... re ... to one with right knowledge wrong knowledge is washed out, ... re ... to one with right release wrong release is washed out . The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release are washed out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the noble ones' washing, which washing conduces to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to this washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress.

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