Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Perceptions of a recluse Sariputta

Perceptions of a recluse

Samaṇasaññā [Saññā] (AN 10.101)

Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of seven things. What three?

On my own wish am an outcaste, my life depends on others, I have made my appearance different. Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of seven things. What seven?

To leading a peaceful life observing the virtues consistently, to not covet, not become angry, not become conceited, to desire the training, become satisfied with the requisites of life and to arouse effort. Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of these seven things.

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