Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Attained perfection Sariputta

Attained perfection

Niṭṭhaṅgata [Niṭṭhā] (AN 10.63)

“Bhikkhus, all those who have become perfect in this dispensation have come to right view. Of those come to right view, five are perfect in this same life, five become perfect abandonng this life. Which five are perfect in this same life?

One born seven times the most, one going from clan to clan, one with another single birth, the once returner and the perfect one in this very life. These five are perfect in this very life. Which five perfect abandoning this life. One who extinguishes in the middle of his life span in some heaven, one in the visinity of extinction, one extinguishing without substratum, one extinguishing with substratum, and the one going up stream up to the highest world of brahma. These five abandon this life and become perfect. Of those come to right view, five are perfect in this same life, five become perfect abandonng this life.

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