Sariputta | Suttapitaka | World (1) Sariputta

World (1)

Lokadhamma 1 (AN 8.5)

“Bhikkhus, these eight worldly conditions revolve around the world, and the world revolves around these eight worldly conditions. What eight? Gain and loss, disrepute and fame, blame and praise, and pleasure and pain. These eight worldly conditions revolve around the world, and the world revolves around these eight worldly conditions.”

Gain and loss, disrepute and fame,
blame and praise, pleasure and pain:

these conditions that people meet
are impermanent, transient, and subject to change.
A wise and mindful person knows them
and sees that they are subject to change.

Desirable conditions don’t excite his mind
nor is he repelled by undesirable conditions.
He has dispelled attraction and repulsion;
they are gone and no longer present.

Having known the dustless, sorrowless state,
he understands rightly and has transcended existence.

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