Sariputta | Suttapitaka | With compassion Sariputta

With compassion

Anukampaka [Anukampa] (AN 5.235)

Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with five things has compassion for the laity. What five?

He establishes the laity in higher virtues, helps them to penetrate the Teaching, approaches the sick to arouse awareness- Good one, establish your mind on extinction. When a huge Community of bhikkhus approach from various states, he approaches the lay disciples and tells them: The time has come for you to do merit. Whatever kind of food you offer them unexalted or exalted it will be for your enjoyment. There is no decrease for something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with these five things is compassionate towards the laity.

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