Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Kimbila Sariputta


Kimbila [Kimila] (AN 5.201)

At one time The Blessed One was living with venerable Kimbila in the bamboo grove and venerable Kimbila approached The Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. Then venerable Kimbila said to The Blessed One:

Venerable sir, what is the reason for the good Teaching, not to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One?

Here, Kimbila, after the demise of the Teacher, the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay disciples male and female lead a rebellious life disrespecting the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training and rebelliously disrespecting each other. Kimbila, this is the reason for the good Teaching, not to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One.

Venerable sir, what is the reason for the good Teaching, to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One?

Here, Kimbila, after the demise of the Teacher, the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, lay disciples male and female lead a docile life respecting the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training and becoming docile respecting each other. Kimbila, this is the reason for the good Teaching, to stand long after the demise of the Thus Gone One.

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