Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Second on falling to the righteous method Sariputta

Second on falling to the righteous method

Sammattaniyāma 2 (AN 5.152)

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things by listening to the good Teaching it is not possible to fall to the righteous method, in meritorious things. What five?

Enjoying talking, enjoying boasting, enjoying life, is stupid, deaf and dumb and is conceited in his lack of knowledge. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things even by listening to the good Teaching it is not possible to fall to the righteous method, in meritorious things.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things by listening to the good Teaching it is possible to fall to the righteous method, in meritorious things. What five?

Not enjoying talking, not enjoying boasting, not enjoying life, is wise and not deaf or dumb and is not conceited about his lack of knowledge. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things by listening to the good Teaching it is possible to fall to the righteous method, in meritorious things.

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