Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Second on living according to the Teaching Sariputta

Second on living according to the Teaching

Dhammavihārī 2 (AN 5.74)

Ṭhen a certain bhikkhu approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on side and said:

Venerable sir, it is said living according to the Teaching. How does a bhikkhu live according to the Teaching?

Here, bhikkhu, the bhikkhu learns the Teaching in the discourses, in prose and verse, in expositions giving questions and answers, in four lines, in solemn utterances, thus said sayings, birth stories, in wonderful things, in a series of questions and answers. He does not know their meanings. Bhikkhu, to this is said the bhikkhu learns much, does not live according to the Teaching.

Again, bhikkhu the bhikkhu explains the Teaching he has learnt and undrstood, to others in detail. But he does not know anything more than that. Bhikkhu, to this is said the bhikkhu makes known the Teaching much, does not live according to the Teaching.

Again, bhikkhu the bhikkhu recites the Teaching as he has learnt and understood it. He does not wisely understand anything more than that. Bhikkhu, to this is said the bhikkhu recites the Teaching much, does not live according to the Teaching.

Again, bhikkhu the bhikkhu thinks and discursively thinks about the Teaching and touches it with the mind. He does not wisely think about the Teaching. Bhikkhu, to this is said the bhikkhu thinks about the Teaching much, does not live according to the Teaching.

Here, bhikkhu, the bhikkhu learns the Teaching in the discourses, in prose and verse, in expositions giving questions and answers, in four lines, in solemn utterances, thus said sayings, birth stories, in wonderful things, in a series of questions and answers. He wisely thinks about the Teaching. Bhikkhu, to this is said the bhikkhu lives according to the Teaching.

Bhikkhu, I have taught you how, much learning is done, much teaching is done, much reciting is done, much thinking is done and the living according to the Teaching. Bhikkhu, I have done what a Teacher has to do to his disciples out of compassion. There are roots of trees and empty houses. Develop concentration do not be negligent and later regret. This is our advise.

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