Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Second on psychic fetes Sariputta

Second on psychic fetes

Iddhipāda 2 (AN 5.68)

Bhikkhus, before my enlightenment when I was seeking enlightenment, I developed and made much five things. What five?

Here, bhikkhus, I developed the psychic fete endowed with interest in concentration, endeavour and determinations. The psychic fete endowed with effort in concentration, endeavour and determinations. The psychic fete endowed with mind concentration, endeavour and determinations. The psychic fete endowed with investigating in concentration with endeavour and determinations and the fifth is exertion. Bhikkhus, when I developed and made much of these five, with exertion as the fifth for the realization of whatever thing, I directed my mind the consciousness in that sphere became the eye-witness.

If it was my desire I enjoyed the various psychic fetes ... re ... I wield power as far as the world of Brahma, and consciousness in that sphere became the eye witness.

If it was my desire ... re ... with the destruction of desires, the mind released from desires and released through wisdom, knowing and realizing by myself I abode and the consciousness in that and other sphere became the eye-witness in the respective mental sphere.

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