Sariputta | Suttapitaka | A devious path Sariputta

A devious path

Bahussuta [Ummagga] (AN 4.186)

Then a certain bhikkhu approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said: Venerable sir, how is the world led on? By what is the world worried? Where is the authority born?

Bhikkhu, your devious path is good, intelligence is good the question is excellent. Bhikkhu do you ask, venerable sir, how is the world led on? By what is the world worried? And where is the authority born?

Yes, venerable sir.

Bhikkhu, the world is led on by the mind. By the mind it is worried. And the authority is born in the mind.

He appreciated and agreed with the words of The Blessed One and asked a further question. Venerable sir, it is said a learned bearer of the Teaching. Venerable sir, who is a learned bearer of the teaching?

Bhikkhu, your devious path is good, intelligence is good the question is excellent. Bhikkhu do you ask, who is a learned bearer of the Teaching?

Yes, venerable sir.

Bhikkhu, I have declared a lot of the Teaching -discourses, prose and verse sections, question and answer explanations, verses, solemn utterances, thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and series of questions and answers. Bhikkhu, even a verse of four lines is enough to know the meaning and the Teaching, and living accordingly to become a learned bearer of the Teaching, quite appropriate to the words.

He appreciated and agreed with the words of The Blessed One and asked a further question. Venerable sir, it is said, the learned one with penetrating wisdom. How is one learned and with penetrating wisdom?

Bhikkhu, your devious path is good, intelligence is good the question is excellent. Bhikkhu do you ask, how is the learned one with penetrating wisdom?

Yes, venerable sir.

Here, bhikkhu, the bhikkhu has heard, this is unpleasant, he penetratingly sees its meaning with wisdom. He has heard, this is the arising of unpleasantness. He penetratingly sees its meaning with wisdom. He has heard this is the cessation of unpleasantness. He penetratingly sees its meaning with wisdom. He has heard, this is the path leading to the cessation of unpleasantness. He penetratingly sees its meaning with wisdom. Thus the bhikkhu becomes a learned one with penetrating wisdom.

He appreciated and agreed with the words of The Blessed One and asked a further question. Venerable sir, it is said, the wise one with great wisdom. How is one wise and with great wisdom?

Bhikkhu, your devious path is good, intelligence is good the question is excellent. Bhikkhu do you ask, how is the wise one with great wisdom?

Yes, venerable sir.

Here, bhikkhu, the wise one with great wisdom does not think to oppress himself, to oppress others, or oppress either. Thinks with compassion towards all the world. Bhikkhu, thus the wise one is with great wisdom.

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