Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Giving details Sariputta

Giving details

Sāriputta­paṭisam­bhidā [Vibhatti] (AN 4.172)

Bhikkhus, these four are the gains of a self. What four?

Bhikkhus, in one gain of self, one's own intentions take effect not other's intentions. In another gain of self, other's intentions take effect not one's own intentions. In one gain of self, one's own intention as well as other's intentions take effect. In another gain of self, neither one's own intentions nor another's take effect.

Bhikkhus, these four are the gains of a self.

When this was said, venerable Sāriputta said thus to The Blessed One:

Venerable sir, I know the detailed exposition of this short exposition given by The Blessed One- There, venerable sir, in the gain of a self where one's own intentions take effect not another's, they themselves intend the disappearance from that body. There venerable sir, in the gain of a self where other's intentions take effect not one's own, others īntend his disappearance from that body. There, venerable sir, in the gain of a self where one's own intentions and other's intentions take effect they, themselves as well as others intend the disappearance from that body. Venerable sir, in the gain of a self where neither one's own intentions nor another's intentions take effect - how should those gods be known?

Sāriputta, they should be known as the gods reaching the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.

Venerable sir, what is the reason that a certain sentient being disappearing from that body to return here and another sentient being disappearing from that body not to return here?

Here, Sāriputta, a certain person not abandoning the bonds that bind him to the sensual world, here and now abides in the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. He enjoys it, longs for it and prospers in it. Intent on it and abiding much in it dies not decreasing from it and is born with the gods of the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. Disappearing from there he returns here.

Here, Sāriputta, a certain person abandoning the bonds that bind him to the sensual world, here and now abides in the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. He enjoys it, longs for it and prospers in it. Intent on it and abiding much in it dies not decreasing from it and is born with the gods of the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. Disappearing from there he does not return here.

Sāriputta, this is the reason that a certain sentient being disappearing from that body to return here and another sentient being disappearing from that body not to return here.

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