Sariputta | Suttapitaka | The second on dark clouds Sariputta

The second on dark clouds

Valāhaka 2 (AN 4.102)

Bhikkhus, these four are dark clouds. What four?

One cloud thunders does not bring rain, another brings rain does not thunder, another neither thunders, nor brings rain and the other thunders and brings rain.

Bhikkhus, in the same manner, there are four persons comparable to the four dark clouds. Which four?

One thunders does not rain, one rains and does not thunder, one neither thunders nor rains and the other thunders and rains.

Bhikkhus, which person thunders and does not bring rain?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person learns the Teaching, the discourses, prose and verse sections, answers and explanations, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and series of questions and answers. He does not know this is unpleasant, this its arising, this its cessation and this is the path leading to its cessation. Bhikkhus, this person thunders and does not rain. I compare him to the cloud that thinders and does not bring rain.

Bhikkhus, which person rains and does not thunder?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not learn the Teaching, the discourses, prose and verse sections, answers and explanations, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and series of questions and answers. He knows this is unpleasant, this its arising, this its cessation and this the path leading to its cessation. Bhikkhus, this person rains does not thunder. I compare him to the cloud that brings rain and does not thunder.

Bhikkhus, which person neither thunders nor brings rain?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not learn the Teaching, the discourses, prose and verse sections, answers and explanations, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and series of questions and answers. He does not know this is unpleasant, this its arising, this its cessation and this the path leading to its cessation. Bhikkhus, this person neither thunders nor rains. I compare him to the cloud that neither thinders nor brings rain.

Bhikkhus, which person thunders and also brings rain?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person learns the Teaching, the discourses, prose and verse sections, answers and explanations, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and series of questions and answers. He knows this is unpleasant, this its arising, this its cessation and this the path leading to its cessation. Bhikkhus, this person thunders and also brings rain. I compare him to the cloud that thinders and brings rain.

Bhikkhus, these four persons comparable to dark clouds are evident in the world.

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