Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Venerable Visākha Sariputta

Venerable Visākha

Visākha (AN 4.48)

At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta's grove in Sāvatthi. At that time venerable Visākha Panchaliputta was instructing, advising gladdening and making the hearts light of the bhikkhus in the attendence hall talking in polite language without impurities, explaining in emancipated words. Then the Blessed One getting up from his seclusion in the evening, approached the attndence hall, sat on the prepared seat and addressed the bhikkhus:

Bhikkhus, who was in the attendence hall talking in polite language without impurities, explaining in emancipated words?

Venerable sir, venerable Visākha Panchaliputta was instructing, advising gladdening and making the hearts light of the bhikkhus in the attendence hall talking in polite language without impurities, explaining in emancipated words.

The Blessed One addressed venerable Visākha Pancaliyaputta: Visākha, it is good, that you instruct, advise gladden and make the hearts light of the bhikkhus in the attendence hall talking in polite language without impurities, explaining in emancipated words.

Knows what should not be told when the wise are with the foolish,
When explaining the deathless state knows what should be told
Explaining and illustrating the Teaching the flag of the sages is raised.
Polite words are the flags of the sages, the Teaching is the flag of the sage.

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