Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Far apart Sariputta

Far apart

Suvidūravidūra [Suvidūra] (AN 4.47)

Bhikkhus, these four things are far apart. What four?

Bhikkhus, the sky is far away from the earth, the great oceas's hither shore and the thither shore is the second, where the sun rises and where it sets and the Teaching of the mind and the teaching not concerning the mind is the fourth.

Bhikkhus, these four things are far apart.

The sky and earth are far removed, so too the two shores of the great ocean,
The sun rises and sets far away, the Teaching of the mind is different from other teachings.
The association with the mind is stable and stays as long as life lasts.
The Teaching not associated with the mind wanes quickly
Therefore the Teaching of the mind is far removed from other teachings.

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