Sariputta | Suttapitaka | The early period. Sariputta

The early period.

Pubbaṇha (AN 3.155)

Bhikkhus, sentient beings well behavd bodily, verbally and mentally, early in their lives, have an early good time. Sentient beings well behaved bodily, verbally and mentally, in the middle portion of their lives, have a good time in the middle. Sentient beings well behaved bodily, verbally and mentally, late in their lives, have a late good time.

At the auspicious time, well arisen with an effulgent light
At the right time and moment well applied to lead the holy life.
Bodily, verbal and mental actions are honourable
His aspirations are honourable,
Attaining his aims, he grows in the dispensation
And becomes well and happy together with his relations

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