Sariputta | Suttapitaka | One thing Sariputta

One thing

Jambudīpapeyyāla [Ekadhamma (Catuttha)] (AN 1.333–377)

322. Bhikkhus, in the peninsular of India there are a few pleasant orchards, forests, outstanding sites, stretches of water but many irregular blocks of land, irregular rivers flowing disorderly, forming uneven shapes. Even so, a few are born on land and many in the watery bed.

323. Bhikkhus, in the same manner a handful are born human and many more below humanity.

324. Bhikkhus, a few are born in the states imminent to where the Teaching is heard and many away from the knowledgeable atmosphere.

325. Bhikkhus, a few are born wise with powers to understand what is taught and to eliminate the not essential. Bhikkhus, in the same manner there are a handful endowed with the noble one's wisdom, the rest are ignorant and lack that wisdom.

326. Bhikkhus, a few are lucky enough to see the Blessed One, the others are not so lucky.

327. Bhikkhus, a few hear the Blessed One's Teaching. The rest are not so lucky.

328. Bhikkhus, a handful hear the Teaching and bear it in mind, the rest forget it.

329. Bhikkhus,a few hearing the Teaching peruse it, many others do not tarry to think about what they heard.

330. Bhikkhus, a few learn the Teaching and fall to the method of living according to it, many others do not care to do it.

331. Bhikkhus, a few are shaken with religious emotion in a circumstance many others do not stir whatever the circumstance may be.

332. Bhikkhus, a few stirred by religious emotion, make effort to overcome unpleasantness, there are many others who do nothing about it.

333. Bhikkhus, a few change their object of concentration and gain one point of mind. There are others who do not reach one point of mind when they change the object of concentration.

334. In the same way bhikkhus, a few are fed on the most excellent food and the rest feed on whatever available crumbs.

335. Bhikkhus, a few find access to the meanings of the Teaching and the bliss of release, others do not experience release. Therefore bhikkhus, you should train to see the meanings in the Teaching to experience the bliss of release.

336. Bhikkhus, in the peninsular of India there are a few pleasant orchards, forests, outstanding sites, stretches of water but many irregular blocks of land, irregular rivers flowing disorderly, forming uneven shapes. In the same manner a few humans who leave the human corpse are born among humans many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts.

337. In the same manner a few gods that leave divinity are reborn among gods many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts.

338. In the same manner a few gods that leave divinity are reborn as humans, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts.

339. Bhikkhus, in the same manner a few released from hell are reborn human, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts.

340. Bhikkhus, a few released from hell are reborn with the gods, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts. In the same manner a few who leave behind the animal world are reborn as humans, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts. In the same manner a few who leave behind the animal world are reborn as gods, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts. In the same manner a few ghosts are reborn among humans, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts. In the same manner a few ghosts are reborn among gods, many more are reborn in hell, in the animal world and as ghosts.

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