Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Bondage Sariputta


Bandhana (SN 3.10)

1. At that time king Pasenadi of Kosala was getting a large number of humans bound. Some were bound with ropes, some with chains and others with skeletal chains.

2. Many bhikkhus putting on robes in the morning, and taking bowls and robes entered Sàvatthi for the alms round. After going the alms round and when the meal was over returning from the alms round they approached the Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said to the Blessed One:

3. "Venerable sir, king Pasenadi of Kosala is getting a large number of humans bound. Some are bound with ropes, some with chains and others with skeletal chains."

The Blessed One knowing, what it means, said these stanzas that moment.

"The wise said, bonds of iron, wood and reeds are not very strong,
When compared to longings for ear rings and gems for wife and sons
This is the strong bond, from which it is difficult to find release
Some go forth, cutting even this bond, giving up sensual desires."

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