Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Families Sariputta


Kula (SN 42.9)

1. At one time the Blessed One touring the country of Kosala with a large community of monks entered Pāvārika's mango orchard and abode in Nālandā.

2. At that time there was a famine in Nālandā, people procured their food with difficulty and sustained by eating even blades of grass.

3. At that time Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta also lived in Nālandā with a large community of nigaṇṭhas.

4. Then Gāmaṇi the son of Asibandhaka a disciple of Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta approached his teacher, worshipped and sat on a side.

5. To Gāmaṇi the son of Asibandhaka, Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta said: “Gāmaṇi, would you approach the recluse Gotama for a dispute, by so doing you will be famous and known as Gāmaṇi the son of Asibandhaka has aroused a dispute with the recluse Gotama, so majestic and so powerful!”

“Sir, how could I arouse a dispute with the recluse Gotama, so majestic and so powerful?”

6. “Gāmaṇi, approach the recluse Gotama and tell him, `Venerable sir, Blessed One, don't you in various ways praise the consideration, protection, and compassion to families?' When thus asked, if the recluse Gotama says, `Yes, Gāmaṇi, the Thus Gone One in many ways, praises the consideration, protection, and compassion to families,' then say, `Venerable sir, why does the Blessed One, when there is a famine in Nālandā and people procured their food with difficulty and sustained even on blades of grass, tour Nālandā with such a large community of monks? Doesn't the Blessed One follow this course of action for breaking up families, for their misfortune and to hurt families?' Gāmaṇi, when this twofold question is asked the recluse Gotama is not able to swallow it nor spit it out.”

7. Gāmaṇi the son of Asibandhaka agreeing with Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta got up from his seat, worshipped, and circumambulated Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta, and approached the Blessed One, worshipped, and sat on a side.

8. Sitting on a side Gāmaṇi, the son of Asibandhaka said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, doesn't Blessed One, in many ways, praise the consideration, protection and compassion to families?”

“Yes, Gāmaṇi, the Thus Gone One in many ways, praises the consideration, protection and compassion to families.”

“Then venerable sir, why does the Blessed One, when there is a famine in Nālandā and people procure their food with difficulty and sustain bu eating even blades of grass, tour Nālandā with such a large community of monks? Doesn't the Blessed One follow this course of action for breaking up families, for their misfortune and to hurt families?”

9. “Gāmaṇi, I have recollected ninety-one forward world cycles from here, yet did not know a single family that has got destroyed on account of offering prepared morsels of food, yet the families that made such offerings are quite rich with much money, wealth, gold and silver, resources and grains. All that was collected on account of giving gifts and good behavior.

10. “Gāmaṇi, there are eight reasons and causes for families to get destroyed. Such as getting destroyed by kings, robbers, fire, water, or are put down for taking up weapons, or business miscarried destroys families, or it is destroyed by a member born to the family who scatters and destroys the family, and the eighth is impermanence. Gāmaṇi, these eight are the causes and reasons for the destruction of families.

11. “Gāmaṇi, when these eight are the evident causes and reasons for the destruction of families it is said the Blessed One follows this course of action for breaking up families, for their misfortune and to hurt families. Without giving up these words, without giving up this view, as though led and lain there he is in hell.”

12. When this was said Gāmaṇi the son of Asibandhaka said: “Venerable sir, now I understand, it is like something overturned is put upright, something covered is made manifest, as though the way was shown when someone has lost his way, as though an oil lamp is lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this manner the Blessed One has explained the Teaching in many ways. Now I take refuge in the Blessed One. Remember me as a lay disciple who has taken refuge until I live”

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