Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Carries Away Sariputta

Carries Away

Haranti (SN 30.2)

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. ßMonks, these four are the births of foes of serpents. What four? Monks, the foes of serpents born from eggs, born in a womb, born in moisture, and born spontaneously.

4. ßMonks, the foes of the serpents born from eggs carry away serpents born from eggs. They do not carry away serpents born in wombs, born in moisture, or the spontaneously born.

5. ßMonks, the foes of serpents born in a womb carry away the serpents born from eggs and the serpents born in wombs. They do not carry away serpents born in moisture or those born spontaneously.

6. ßMonks, the foes of serpents born in moisture carry away the serpents born from eggs, the serpents born in wombs, and the serpents born in moisture. They do not carry away serpents born spontaneously.

7. ßMonks, the foes of serpents born spontaneously carry away the serpents born from eggs, the serpents born in wombs, the serpents born in moisture, and serpents born spontaneously.

8. ßMonks, these four are the foes of serpents.û

Notes. Supanna are explained as Garulas a kind of fairy birds. foes of the serpents.

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